When Brother Robert and Sister Melva Cackler visited Melbourne, Australia, in 2018, my husband, Brian, and I invited them to our local Community of Christ church in Frankston, to join us in our mid-week “Prayer, Care & Share” meeting.
At the meeting, Brother Bob asked if he could have a few minutes to explain something wonderful that was happening with the Plates of Mormon, and that the Lord Jesus Christ was coming soon. Because we were very interested in this news, Bob and Melva asked if they could visit our home, to tell us more, and to show us a video they had.
The video told us about the Angel Moroni delivering the Plates of Mormon to Brother Mauricio Berger. We heard the testimonies of the first American witnesses who held the Plates and how they saw the first sealed part being opened. This was so wonderful for me to hear and, now, as I am reading this Sealed Book the Lord is opening up so much that He wants me to know.
In my patriarchal blessing 60 years ago, I was told that I was from the Tribe of Ephraim. Now, with hearing about the Plates of Mormon and the Sealed Book, I am so happy and excited that this is all happening in my lifetime.
I certainly felt humbled in asking forgiveness for the way I have been living, doing everything my way, instead of God’s way. I am now learning to live closer to God, and I desire to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).
God bless the Prophet, Mauricio Berger, for being able to translate part of the plates for us to read, and for the bringing forth of God’s work with the Sealed Book and the work of the Second Invitation. I know I have a great faith in God, as to what is happening in Brazil.
In 2019, we decided to travel to America to find out exactly what was happening, because we realised that the church we were associated with was way off track, by not correctly following the eternal ordinances, or God’s commandments and word. The church leaders, and the church as a whole, for some time had been in condemnation and apostacy. We were no longer happy to worship there.
Early in 2019, we got health checks done from our local medical doctor, and were given the good news we could travel; although in our 80s, we could take the journey abroad!
We arrived in Independence, Missouri, just in time for the important Conference at the Holden Branch in Missouri in early April 2019. We heard that The Sealed Book was being printed, and we ordered 20 copies to take back to Australia.
While we were at the conference, we met with many of God’s people, who loved the Lord, and we also shared meals with many. One couple we shared with was Patriarch Samuel S. Gould and his wonderful wife Linda; it was wonderful to share stories with them, and hear Brother Samuel’s testimony of the work.
During our stay in the USA, we travelled to the Kirtland Temple to have a guided tour and “feel” the history and spiritual connection from the First Invitation and the work of Joseph Smith Jr, who had laboured to begin the early days of the Restoration. We marvelled at seeing the place where Christ, Moses, Elias, and Elijah had appeared to Joseph Smith Jr and Oliver Cowdery. It was a breathtaking experience!
When we returned to Australia with our testimonies and Sealed Books, we ordered another 15 books and then visited with families and presented them with a Sealed Book and the message of the Second Invitation; now everything is in the Lord’s hands, and we pray for them all.
I testify that our Prophet Mauricio A. Berger and the work of the Second Invitation is fulfilling the Lord’s work in these last days, Amen!
Sister Joan is a member of the International Fountain of Living Waters and is the Regional Leader for Australia and New Zealand.