God taught us that his love is not a respecter of persons. And at this moment, God makes his will known about the LGBT community that has always been excluded from the bosom of the churches, whose preached gospel is the one of love, but that actually reject those who were born with their particularities and, by precepts and prejudices of men, were despised and prevented from serving God regardless of what they had inside their heart, their character and devotion to the Lord. Sexual orientation does not make anyone more a servant of God than the other, what determines this condition are their works and the feelings they carry within themselves.
The inclusion revealed to Mormons of the Sealed Book is an invitation to all Latter-day Saints who desire to understand the mysteries that God has reserved to be revealed in the final part of the fulness of times, that our fellowship may be founded upon the “PURE LOVE OF CHRIST “.
We do not ask First Invitation people who believe the Book of Mormon to throw away whatever good they have to join this noble cause. We only ask that you come and receive more through the revelations brought again by the angel Moroni with the translation of the first sealed portion of the Plates of Mormon.