The Heavens are Higher Than the Earth — Editorial by Bishop Robert Cackler

Dear Sisters and Brothers of faith, I want to introduce the March 2025 Herald by asking: Is there anything higher than heaven? As you ponder this question I will share some thoughts.

We learn from Isaiah that the heavens are higher than the earth and God’s ways and thoughts higher than man’s. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9). So, armed with this information we can answer the question with “no”—there is nothing higher than the heavens and there is nothing higher than God’s ways.

However, we will consider that answer to be tentative until we analyze what we are actually saying. If we answer “no”, our lives must indicate that we are putting God first in all that we do each day. Ask yourself: Do I consistently give God’s ways the highest priority? If we are not doing this, then we are answering the question with a “yes” and allowing something else to become our highest priority. We are figuratively making something else higher than the heavens. A key verse to remember is found in Matthew 6:38 Inspired Version (Matthew 6:33 KJV): “Wherefore, seek not the things of this world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” This verse, confirms that we must make serving God our highest priority.

To complement the verse in Matthew, let’s meditate on the powerful message of Colossians 3:1-3: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” May we let these profound words sink deep into our intellect and may we completely open our hearts to embrace the essence of this message. As Christians, our priorities are clear—to be empowered by the love of Jesus Christ and seek the things of heaven. The Angel Moroni further admonishes us in this regard with his words as recorded in the Book of Mormon: “love God with all your might, mind, and strength” (Moroni 10:32).

Helping us to consistently seek the higher ways of God, the feature article and the testimony in this month’s Herald both motivate the reader to embrace this principle. Sister Kaiss Zeppenfeld provides insight into the workings of the love of God in our lives. Her article, “Do You Really Love Your Neighbor?”, explains the need to love oneself before we can really love our neighbor. She asks the reader to probe their innermost thoughts and feelings. She states: “We need to understand that self-love is fundamental to loving others.” With a godly view of ourselves and the correct understanding of God’s love, we are better equipped to share that divine love with others. In addition, our desire to seek the best gifts of heaven will be demonstrated not only in our lives but also in a desire for others to also receive these blessings. Sister Zeppenfeld concludes her article by affirming that “true love for others is wanting others to have the best that we deserve.”

Further emphasizing that the ways of heaven are higher than earthly ways, Sister Joan McClelland testifies of the divinity of the Second Invitation and of her desire to share the light that recently came into her life through reading the Sealed Book. She knows that the Second Invitation and the Sealed Book are the fulfillment of prophecies in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. After hearing about the news of the return of the plates of Mormon to Prophet Maurício A Berger in Brazil, which resulted in the publication of the Sealed Book in Missouri, USA, she traveled with her husband and son to witness firsthand some of the marvelous events taking place. She says: “I am so happy and excited that this is all happening in my lifetime.” Sister McClelland titled her testimony “The Upward Call of God.” This title is most appropriate as it describes her desire to embrace heaven’s higher ways that are being restored to the church through a chosen prophet. She affirms, “I am learning to live closer to God.”

After reading these articles, I am impelled to turn my thoughts to heaven from where all spiritual blessings come to us in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:3). It is these spiritual blessings that provide the motivation for wanting to forsake the ungodly ways of the world and continually embrace heaven’s higher ways. Accordingly, Patriarch President Samuel S Gould announces, in this Herald, the dates for this year’s Passover Sacrament and the July 2025 conference. These events present to the members of the church another opportunity to collectively live God’s higher ways while worshipping and fellowshipping in the spirit of true brotherly love one for another. 

I look forward to the time when we as people of the church are fully immersed in the high and holy ways of heaven. Pointing to the day when the United Order will be fully active in the church, the Nephite Jonas admonishes us with these words, “Let us therefore be moved by a higher cause, in which brother watches brother and the Church of Christ as a whole, watch over all the members, so that there is no needy, sick, and afflicted in our midst, that we may show ourselves true disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, and be worthy representatives of his name amidst a corrupted and misrepresented world” (Acts of the Three Nephites 10:1).

I thank Sister Zeppenfeld for her thoughtful insights about the love of God and Sister McClelland for her heart-felt testimony of this marvelous work. Both of these articles will help us to embrace heaven’s higher ways in our lives and to enthusiastically prepare for fuller service to our fellowman. So, now it is time to definitely answer the question: Is there anything higher than heaven? I absolutely say “no.” And, I pray that this answer will be evident in my life because of the choices that I make for the glory of God.

May you be blessed in your walk with God is my prayer. Amen.